
This exercise will help leads learn to adapt to follows and be inspired by follow momentum to create new moves. This will help leads be smoother in their transitions, and encourages leads not to force moves that don’t work with their partner.

The gist:

The lead chooses a few moves or social dances normally. First, the follower follows normally. Then the follow will attempt to take liberties in their following—that is, intentionally changing the momentum (speed up, slow down, change direction), or use follow-initiated moves (the follow should practice doing this only occasionally, and being intentional about it). The lead’s job is to allow the follows to make those choices, and adapt their moves to match the follower’s momentum, such that the transitions are as smooth as possible, and the follows can dance comfortably. Hopefully, this exercise will also inspire leads to create new moves on the fly.

Exercise breakdown:

Version 1

Four roles: the lead, follow, caller, and observer

You can create other versions of this game!

“Follower Takeover” exercise

In the version described above, the follower chooses one element at a time to play with, which can be helpful for focusing on how that one element changes the dance. However, it’s possible to crank up volume of follower choices, as demonstrated in this video from Swingin’ Denver: https://youtu.be/P8-sMv8nl-8?si=EaqZvRVsF7vIKaTx.