Honestly, there is so much great content for learning on youtube! Take a look in our Jar o’ Moves for man moves found from great youtube videos and shared content!
Here are a some youtube channels that we feel everyone should know about!
Learning Moves, Groves, and History
- Laura Glaess: Comprehensive lindy, good for vernacular jazz, lindy hop history, lindy hop mindset, and intermediate dancing. https://www.youtube.com/c/LauraGlaess
- iLindy: Has a free beginner 6-count Lindy Hop course, as well as a 30 days of Lindy Hop playlist. https://www.youtube.com/c/iLindy
- Syncopated City: Has a wide variety of tutorials for moves. https://www.youtube.com/c/SyncopatedCity
- The Swing Project: Offers swing documentaries, inspiration playlists, solo jazz inspiration, and breakdown of footwork (lindy, charleston, solo jazz): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNCjKrEF23A5fqBUOqIVK9Q
- Jazz Mad London: Offers a variety of different types of lindy videos going from inspiration to instruction, see classes by sharon and josh–great for breaking down intermediate level moves and styling: https://www.youtube.com/c/JazzMADLondon
- Rhythm City Dance: Great for learning the basics! https://www.youtube.com/@RhythmCityDance
- Swungover: Accompanying youtube channel to Bobby White’s Blog https://www.youtube.com/@swungover
- Katie Cobalt: Friend and Teacher of Hopcats workshops! She posts interesting dance-related content and historical tidbits https://www.youtube.com/@KatieCobalt
- Adam Brozowski: Expert on ambi and switch dancing! https://www.youtube.com/user/Abrozowski
Competitions and Flash
*Note: Most Major events have a corresponding youtube channel or live stream to broadcast their competitions. Find them and tune in! Here are some of our favorites that you should definitely bookmark: