Lindy Hopcats periodically hosts instructors to give 15-minute “mini private lessons” to interested dancers. This has been a very popular offering and draws a variety of people. For some it will be their first private lesson experience.


Mini private lessons usually happen concurrently with a normal Lindy Hopcats practice session but in a separate space, apart from the main room where everyone else is practicing.

The format is five 15-minute lessons back-to-back, starting when free practice starts (usually 11:30 AM) and ending when free practice ends (usually 12:45 PM).


We want you to bring a taste of your authentic private lesson experience to people, or at least as much of it as can fit in 15 minutes, so do with that 15 minutes what you think makes sense. Some dancers may come with specific topics that they want to work on, and others may be looking for general feedback and suggestions on what to work on.


We can provide a bluetooth speaker for you to play music. If you would like to bring your own instead, you are welcome to do so.


We pay instructors their usual private lesson rate for 1.25 hours.