This exercise helps you experiment with changing your dancing, and builds observational and dancing awareness. There are 4 roles:
- the Secret Lindy Agent (dancer)
- the Partner
- the Secret Keeper
- the Guesser.
- The Secret Lindy Agent (SLA) chooses something that they want to try differently in their dancing
- The SLA tells the Secret Keeper what they will be changing
- The SLA begins dancing normally with the Partner while the Guesser familiarizes themselves with the SLA’s dance style
- When the Guesser is ready, they tell the SLA to now start dancing differently. The Guesser now tries to figure out what exactly they changed.
- When the Guesser is ready they huddle with the Partner to get their take on the change, and then make their guess.
- The Secret Keeper reveals whether the guess is correct or not