When What Who
7:00-8:00pm DJ Sound check
Band sound check
Set up check-in desk
Set up tables
Set up water station and sell-ables Alec, Kevin

Phil, Sami | | 7:00-8:00pm | Get dinner for band, Stefan and Elaine, and organizers Post signs (gender neutral bathroom signs, payment, hopcats info) 🎶 Band set up | Patrick, Genny, Alec | | 7:00-8:00pm | 📋 Check-in Desk Shift 1 | Cristina, Amanda | | 7:00-7:50pm | Special Practice in Gallery Organizers have time to eat and change | Cheryl | | 8:00pm | 📣 Announcements ‣ | Genny | | 8:00-9:00pm | 📋 Check-in Desk Shift 2 | Nancy, Skyler | | 8:00-8:50pm | 🎶 First Band Set | | | 8:50-9:10pm | Stefan and Elaine performance, DJ set for band break | Alec | | 9:00-10:00pm | 📋 Check-in Desk Shift 3 | Yudi | | 9:10-10:00pm | 🎶 Second Band Set | | | 9:45pm | 📣 Announcement: competitors in the Green Room by 10:00pm | Genny | | 10:00-10:20pm | DJ set for band break | Alec | | 10:00pm | All competitors in Green Room. Review format | | | 10:00-11:00pm | 📋 Check-in Desk Shift 4 | Laura | | 10:20pm | 📣 Announcement: Introduce competition | Genny | | 10:25-10:45pm | Mock-Comp with band | Alec as gatekeeper | | 10:45-11:00pm | Rest of Third Band Set | | | 11:00-12:00pm | Teardown and Cleanup Everyone else out by 11:15pm | |